Completed Administrative Hearings

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The Commission is providing a copy of the following pleadings (Accusations and Statements of Issues for APA Hearings, and Statements of Reasons or Statements of Particulars for GCA Hearings) and subsequent Commission decisions to reflect the action taken by the Commission on an applicant for, or a holder of, a license, registration, work permit, or finding of suitability. Decisions can be for instance standard decisions, default decisions, decision after reconsideration, and stipulated settlements.

From time to time an accusation may be withdrawn by the Bureau pursuant to its authority not to proceed. These withdrawals are marked with "Accusation Withdrawn" in the pleading column and "N/A" in the decision column as the Commission has not and cannot take any action on the matter. While a copy of the pleading is available via a public records request to the Commission, any request for explanation or justification for withdrawal of the accusation should be addressed to the Bureau of Gambling Control. Where a matter does not have a pleading, it is marked with "No Pleading" in the pleading column.

License Type License Number Name Pleading Decision
Third Party-Worker Temp TPWK-002312 Khanh Trinh No Pleading Decision 11/17/2022
Third Party-Worker Temp TPWK-002958 Samay Nhey No Pleading Decision 11/17/2022
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001368 Adam Richard Soules Statement of Reasons 12/24/2013 Decision 5/28/2014
Gambling Establishment GEGE-000421 Albert Cianfichi, sole proprietor Kelly's Cardroom Accusation 4/5/2006 Decision 9/14/2006
Gambling Establishment GEGE-000421 Albert Cianfichi, sole proprietor Kelly's Cardroom Accusation 1/21/2010 Decision 9/22/2011
Third Party Player TPPL-008545 Joshua Allen Hamilton Statement of Issues 1/16/2014 Decision 7/10/2014
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001007 Artichoke Joe's, a California Corporation dba Artichoke Joe's Casino Accusation 3/4/2011 Decision 5/9/2011
GE- Work Permit GEWP-000325 Boutdy Phavavicyhane Statement of Issues 9/18/2008 Decision 12/10/2009
GE- Work Permit GEWP-001002 Chanthou Suon First Amended Statement of Issues 4/4/2007 Decision 7/10/2007
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-008793 Charles Eric Youell Accusation 7/20/2009 Decision 9/22/2010
GE - Key Employee GEKE-000317 Cheng Vang Accusation 1/29/2014 Decision 3/20/2014
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001666 Craig Teruo Ogasawara Statement of Particulars 6/5/2013 Decision 10/1/2013
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001029 David Stearns, sole shareholder, Central Coast Casino-Grover Beach, Inc. Accusation 1/11/2011 Decision 3/8/2012
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-012604 Diane Salcido Statement of Issues 9/3/2013 Decision 10/18/2013
Third Party Primary Provider TPPP-000013 Dog Named Blue Inc., dba California Gaming Consultants Accusation 12/1/2010 Decision 4/26/2012
Gambling Establishment 990039 Don Juan Club and Casino Juan Guzman, Owner Accusation 11/20/2006 Decision 6/28/2007
Gambling Establishment 990039 Don Juan Club and Casino Juan Guzman, Owner Accusation & Statement of Issues 12/22/2005 Decision 6/22/2006
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-002374 Donald Staats, partner Statement of Reasons 8/13/2013 Decision 9/5/2013
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001572 Eugene Victor Lopez First Amended Statement of Issues 12/2/2013 Decision 2/13/2014
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-002328 Fernando Allan Lopez, Jr. Accusation 12/18/2012 Decision 7/25/2013
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001162 Gloria Gutierrez, sole proprietor Gloria's Lounge & Casino Statement of Issues 5/26/2010 Decision 12/9/2010
Gambling Establishment GEGE-000518 El Dorado Enterprises, Inc., dba Hustler Casino Larry Flynt Revocable Trust, Larry Flynt Trustee, Trustor, and Beneficiary, sole shareholder Accusation 11/17/2011 Decision 6/14/2012
GE- Owner-Person 980039_A Haig Kelegian, Jr., shareholder Oceans 11, Inc. No Pleading Decision 6/22/2006
GE- Owner-Person 980039_B Haig Kelegian, Sr., shareholder Oceans 11, Inc. No Pleading Decision 6/22/2006
Gambling Establishment GEGE-000599 Her J. Xiong, sole proprietor Merced Poker Room Accusation 5/10/2010 Decision 6/16/2011
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-006255 Jimmy Joon Yum Statement of Issues 7/17/2008 Decision 10/22/2009
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003222 John Park, sole member of CAL-PAC Rancho Cordova, LLC, owner of Cordova Restaurant and Casino Accusation 6/7/2012 Decision 12/13/2012
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003312 John Park, sole shareholder of The Silver Fox, Inc., owner of Lotus Casino Accusation 6/7/2012 Decision 12/13/2012
Gambling Establishment GEGE-000485 Jose Alvarez Cahue, sole proprietor Caesar's Club Accusation 2/24/2010 Decision 6/30/2011
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003097 Keith Miller, CFO Napa Valley Casino Statement of Issues 7/5/2013 Decision 12/12/2013
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-000994 Kermit D. Schayltz Accusation 1/11/2011 Decision 3/7/2013
Gaming Vendor Owner-Person GVPO-000620 Kevin Freels and New Gaming Systems, Inc. Statement of Issues 7/27/2007 Decision 4/28/2011
GE - Key Employee GEKE-000452 Lawson Vernon Smith Statement of Particulars 12/20/2013 Decision 4/22/2014
Gambling Establishment GEGE-000340 Lewis & Lewis, Inc., Natalie Lewis and David Lewis, and the Cameo Club Accusation 9/29/2007 Decision 10/23/2008
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001108 Lucky Chances Inc., dba Lucky Chances Casino Accusation 8/19/2011 Decision 11/10/2011
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001586 Lysing Esconde Accusation 8/13/2013 Decision 10/30/2013
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001164 Marcos Cabrera, sole proprietor El Resbalon Statement of Issues 10/10/2008 Decision 9/9/2009
GE- Owner-Person 980039_C Mark A Kelegian, shareholder Oceans 11, Inc. No Pleading Decision 6/22/2006
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-001189 Mark S. Luciano Statement of Issues 3/7/2002 Decision 4/11/2003
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001243 Michael Penn Accusation 11/14/2011 Decision 8/29/2012
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003241 Nader H. Tafty, shareholder of Delta CM, Inc. general partner and a limited partner of Delta C, LP owners of Delta Casino Downtown Statement of Issues 1/11/2012 Decision 12/12/2012
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003242 Nader H. Tafty, shareholder of Delta CM, Inc., general partner and a limited partner of Delta C, LP owners of Delta Casino Statement of Issues 1/11/2012 Decision 12/12/2012
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001211 Naseem Salem Statement of Reasons 8/2/2012 Decision 9/5/2013
Gambling Establishment GEGE-000206 Otho Smith, sole proprietor S&K Cardroom Accusation 5/3/2007 Decision 9/6/2007
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001008 Palomar Card Room Statement of Reasons 8/13/2013 Decision 9/5/2013
Third Party Player TPPL-002913 Paul Ngo Statement of Issues 5/11/2012 Decision 11/15/2012
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-003606 Phetsamone Phaphol Statement of Issues 2/4/2008 Decision 8/12/2008
Gambling Establishment GEGE-000407 Lucky Derby Casino Accusation 1/11/2011 Decision 3/7/2013
Gambling Establishment GEGE-000407(2007) Point-Walker, Inc., Lucky Derby Casino Kermit Schayltz, shareholder Leo Chu, shareholder Accusation 11/20/2006 Decision 7/26/2007
Third Party Primary Provider TPPP-000004 PT Gaming, LLC Patrick A. Tierney & Jamie L. Tierney Family Trust, sole member Statement of Issues 7/25/2012 Decision 8/29/2012
Gambling Establishment GEGE-000474 Robert Brown and Deuces Wild, Inc., dba Deuces Wild Casino & Lounge Statement of Issues 11/17/2011 Decision 3/21/2013
Gaming Vendor Provider GVPR-000087 Robert Saucier and Galaxy Gaming of California, LILAC Statement of Issues 10/19/2009 Decision 7/11/2013
GE- Work Permit GEWP-001113 Ronald M. Roberts Statement of Issues 2/4/2008 Decision 10/23/2008
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001041 S&S Gaming, Inc., dba Club Caribe Casino Accusation 5/3/2007 Decision 9/6/2007
Third Party Supervisor TPSU-000222 Samnang Phoung Statement of Reasons 3/14/2013 Decision 5/23/2013
Gambling Business Supervisor TPSU-000207 Samnang Phoung Statement of Reasons 3/14/2013 Decision 5/23/2013
GE- Work Permit GEWP-001347 Sherwin Balano Pilalia Statement of Issues 1/29/2010 Decision 3/8/2012
Gambling Establishment GEGE-000950 Stanley Penn, sole proprietor Lucky Lady Cardroom Accusation 11/14/2011 Decision 8/29/2012
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-012607 Steven James Williamson Statement of Particulars 7/23/2013 Decision 11/25/2013
Gambling Establishment 02001 Susan J. Barrows, sole proprietor Gold Rush Gaming Parlor and Saloon Accusation 4/17/2006 Decision 2/8/2007
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-002375 Susan Staats, partner Statement of Reasons 8/13/2013 Decision 9/5/2013
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001063 The Oaks Card Club Accusation 3/4/2011 Decision 5/9/2011
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003143 Tigran Marcarian, shareholder Delta CM Corporation No Pleading Decision 12/11/2008
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-002680 Timothy Eugene Stroud Statement of Issues 9/5/2006 Decision 7/10/2007
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003107 Timothy J. Long, sole proprietor Hemphill's Lounge and Cadroom Statement of Issues 6/7/2012 Decision 4/22/2014
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003332 University Heights Associates, LLC Naseem Salem, Managing Member Adel Salem, Member Statement of Reasons 8/13/2012 Decision 9/5/2013
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-012114 William Robert Hayward Statement of Issues 3/14/2013 Decision 7/25/2013
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-000993 Point-Walker, Inc. Accusation 1/11/2011 Decision 3/7/2013
Third Party Player TPPL-008987 Meng Chea Statement of Reasons 2/6/2014 Decision 5/29/2014
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003104 Haig Kelegian, Jr., shareholder, Crystal Casino & Hotel Statement of Issues 3/21/2012 Decision 6/12/2014
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-001222 Haig Kelegian, Jr., partner, Ocean's Eleven Casino Statement of Issues 3/21/2012 Decision 6/12/2014
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001709 Michael Freeze Arvizu Statement of Reasons 7/10/2014 Decision 10/9/2014
Third Party Player TPPL-009803 Rene Vidales Statement of Reasons 7/22/2014 Decision 11/6/2014
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-013636 Russell Bunch Statement of Reasons 7/22/2014 Decision 11/6/2014
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-013481 Edward Wilson Augustine Statement of Reasons 7/22/2014 Decision 11/6/2014
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-013458 Debra Adelle Anderson Statement of Reasons 7/22/2014 Decision 11/6/2014
Third Party Player TPPL-011183 Idanay Cheris Phillips Statement of Reasons 10/24/2014 Decision 3/12/2015
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001790 Richard Kwan Statement of Reasons 10/24/2014 Decision 3/12/2015
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001669 Joseph Beltran Statement of Reasons 10/3/2014 Decision 3/12/2015
Gambling Establishment GEGE-000410 Garden City , Inc., doing business as CASINO M8TRIX Amended Accusation and Statement of Issues 3/27/2015 Decision 5/14/2015
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-001331 Peter V. Lunardi III Amended Accusation and Statement of Issues 3/27/2015 Decision 5/14/2015
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001641 James Craig Tobiasz Statement of Particulars 7/22/2014 Decision 12/2/2014
GE- Work Permit GEWP-001900 Lippine Nop Statement of Reasons 8/28/2014 Decision 12/2/2014
Third Party Player TPPL-011145 Karina Corona Statement of Reasons 9/18/2014 Decision 1/26/2015
GE- Work Permit GEWP-001349 Stephen Sottero Statement of Reasons 12/16/2013 Decision 4/9/2015
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003119 Jeanne Lynn Lunardi Amended Accusation and Statement of Issues 3/27/2015 Decision 5/14/2015
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003259 The Lunardi Family Living Trust Amended Accusation and Statement of Issues 3/27/2015 Decision 5/14/2015
Third Party Player TPPL-001381 Miguel O. Aguilar Statement of Reasons 1/15/2015 Decision 5/28/2015
GE- Work Permit GEWP-001921 Vichai Kevin Yang Statement of Reasons 1/15/2015 Decision 7/9/2015
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001708 John Buys Statement of Reasons 7/10/2014 Decision 12/22/2014
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001722 John Su'a Statement of Reasons 10/3/2014 Decision 3/12/2015
Third Party Primary Provider TPPP-000067 Arise, LLC, and Darrell Stuart Miers, Managing Member Accusation and Statement of Issues 12/4/2013 Decision 3/12/2015
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-013625 Ashley Jack Statement of Reasons 1/15/2015 Decision 7/30/2015
Third Party Player TPPL-010999 Kalean Vang No Pleading Decision 7/30/2015
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-013722 Tonya Rogers No Pleading Decision 7/30/2015
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002169 Mario Reyes Statement of Reasons 4/30/2015 Decision 7/30/2015
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002140 Thyda Nop No Pleading Decision 8/13/2015
GE- Work Permit GEWP-001992 Jared Watson No Pleading Decision 8/13/2015
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001647 Angelo Lamont Bridges, Sr No Pleading Decision 8/13/2015
Third Party Player TPPL-010733 Mary Mati No Pleading Decision 8/13/2015
Third Party Player TPPL-014032 Dominica Ortiz No Pleading Decision 8/27/2015
GE- Work Permit GEWP-001924 Mark Gill No Pleading Decision 8/27/2015
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-015150 Gary Lee Robinson No Pleading Decision 8/27/2015
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002046 Christopher Tuck Statement of Reasons 6/2/2015 Decision 8/27/2015
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001763 Ruben Moreno Statement of Reasons 6/15/2015 Decision 8/27/2015
GE- Work Permit GEWP-001812 Francisco Monares Statement of Reasons 6/11/2015 Decision 8/27/2015
GE- Work Permit GEWP-001624 Curt Mieczkowski Statement of Reasons 5/26/2015 Decision 8/27/2015
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001786 Steph Stapornkul Statement of Reasons 7/10/2015 Decision 10/8/2015
Third Party Player TPPL-008622 Remar Moscardon Statement of Particulars 8/14/2015 Decision 10/8/2015
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002112 Andre Alex Owens Statement of Particulars 8/14/2015 Decision 10/8/2015
Third Party Supervisor TPSU-000534 Stephen Patrick Evans Statement of Particulars 8/14/2015 Decision 10/8/2015
GE- Work Permit GEWP-001733 Farm Saetern Statement of Reasons 8/10/2015 Decision 11/17/2015
GE- Work Permit GEWP-001837 Cameron Austin Clem No Pleading Decision 11/19/2015
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001831 Cameron Austin Clem No Pleading Decision 11/19/2015
GE- Work Permit GEWP-001984 Thomas Moore No Pleading Decision 11/19/2015
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001797 Richard Sharrah, Jr. Statement of Reasons 8/31/2015 Decision 11/17/2015
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002013 Donald Harte Statement of Reasons 8/24/2015 Decision 11/17/2015
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-012129 Thomas Miller Statement of Particulars 7/14/2015 Decision 1/7/2016
Gambling Establishment GEGE-000408 La Primavera Pool Hall and Café Statement of Issues 3/21/2012 Decision 1/7/2016
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-000996 Candelario Salas, Sole Proprietor Statement of Issues 3/21/2012 Decision 1/7/2016
Third Party Player TPPL-012552 Richard Patrick Ponte No Pleading Decision 1/21/2016
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002167 Gerry Yang Statement of Particulars 10/16/2015 Decision 2/9/2016
Third Party Player TPPL-010978 Vanessa Garcia Statement of Reasons 12/8/2015 Decision 2/25/2016
Third Party Player TPPL-014337 Brianna Montegrande-Klingenberg Statement of Reasons 12/8/2015 Decision 2/25/2016
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-012797 Crystal Piper Statement of Issues 6/22/2015 Decision 3/10/2016
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002096 Kannitha Phonn Statement of Reasons 12/30/2015 Decision 3/10/2016
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003391 Faye E. Stearns Living Trust Accusation 11/26/2014 Decision 4/14/2016
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003392 Faye E. Stearns Accusation 11/26/2014 Decision 4/14/2016
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003393 Stanley Parrish Accusation 11/26/2014 Decision 4/14/2016
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003187 William Blanas Accusation 11/26/2014 Decision 4/14/2016
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003186 Sacramento Casino Royale, LLC Accusation 11/26/2014 Decision 4/14/2016
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001295 Casino Royale Accusation 11/26/2014 Decision 4/14/2016
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003185 James Kouretas Accusation 11/26/2014 Decision 4/14/2016
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001887 Michael Fuston Statement of Reasons 8/14/2015 Decision 4/14/2016
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001720 Roberto Pena Accusation 7/24/2015 Decision 4/14/2016
Third Party Player TPPL-010352 Ronald Hellen, III Statement of Reasons 1/14/2016 Decision 4/25/2016
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-001099 Normandie Club, General Partnership Accusation 10/30/2013 Decision 4/25/2016
Gambling Establishment GEGE-000448 Normandie Club, Gambling Establishment Accusation 10/30/2013 Decision 4/25/2016
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-001100 Russell Miller Accusation 10/30/2013 Decision 4/25/2016
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-001102 Lawrence Miller Accusation 10/30/2013 Decision 4/25/2016
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-001103 Gregory Miller Accusation 10/30/2013 Decision 4/25/2016
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-001104 Stephen Miller Accusation 10/30/2013 Decision 4/25/2016
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002211 David Arts No Pleading Decision 5/12/2016
Gaming Vendor Provider GVPR-000110 Sharp Image Gaming, Inc. Christopher Scott Anderson, and Kelli Anderson Statement of Reasons 2/19/2016 Decision 5/12/2016
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001339 Oasis Card Room Statement of Reasons 11/24/2015 Decision 5/26/2016

Reconsideration Decision 10/20/2016
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003450 Todd J. Mather Statement of Reasons 11/24/2015 Decision 5/26/2016

Reconsideration Decision 10/20/2016
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-001330 Eric Swallow First Amended Accusation and Statement of Issues 7/22/2015 Stipulated Settlement, Decision and Order 8/22/2024
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002142 William Karr Statement of Reasons 1/19/2016 Decision 5/24/2016
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001938 Vicente Lopez Statement of Reasons 2/24/2016 Decision 5/24/2016
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-013272 Linh Dao Statement of Reasons 2/22/2016 Decision 7/7/2016
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001373 Robert E. Lytle Accusation and Statement of Issues 9/28/2015 Decision 8/11/2016
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003415 Robert E. Lytle Accusation and Statement of Issues 9/28/2015 Decision 8/11/2016
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003416 Robert E. Lytle Accusation and Statement of Issues 9/28/2015 Decision 8/11/2016
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001008 Palomar Card Room Accusation and Statement of Issues 12/14/2015 Decision 8/11/2016
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-002374 Donald M. Staats Accusation and Statement of Issues 12/14/2015 Decision 8/11/2016
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-002375 Susan L. Staats Accusation and Statement of Issues 12/14/2015 Decision 8/11/2016
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-014957 Wei Zu Statement of Reasons 4/8/2016 Decision 8/11/2016
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001694 Travis Seiler Statement of Particulars 1/14/2016 Decision 8/11/2016
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001206 Charles Edwin McCormick, Jr. Statement of Reasons 2/29/2016 Decision 8/25/2016
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003406 King's Casino, LLC Accusation 6/17/2016 Decision 9/8/2016
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003407 King's Casino, LLC Accusation 6/17/2016 Decision 9/8/2016
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003482 King's Casino Management Corp. Accusation 6/17/2016 Decision 9/8/2016
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003483 King's Casino Management Corp. Accusation 6/17/2016 Decision 9/8/2016
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001337 The Tavern at Stones Gambling Hall Accusation 6/17/2016 Decision 9/8/2016
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001336 The Saloon at Stones Gambling Hall Accusation 6/17/2016 Decision 9/8/2016
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003410 Masis A. Kevorkian Accusation 6/17/2016 Decision 9/8/2016
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003411 Masis A. Kevorkian Accusation 6/17/2016 Decision 9/8/2016
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003486 Masis A. Kevorkian Accusation 6/17/2016 Decision 9/8/2016
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003498 Masis A. Kevorkian Accusation 6/17/2016 Decision 9/8/2016
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003408 Ryan E. Stone Accusation 6/17/2016 Decision 9/8/2016
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003409 Ryan E. Stone Accusation 6/17/2016 Decision 9/8/2016
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003487 Ryan E. Stone Accusation 6/17/2016 Decision 9/8/2016
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003499 Ryan E. Stone Accusation 6/17/2016 Decision 9/8/2016
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003413 Kermit D. Schayltz Accusation 6/17/2016 Decision 9/8/2016
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003414 Kermit D. Schayltz Accusation 6/17/2016 Decision 9/8/2016
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003488 Kermit D. Schayltz Accusation 6/17/2016 Decision 9/8/2016
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003496 Kermit D. Schayltz Accusation 6/17/2016 Decision 9/8/2016
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001667 Moacyr Vadas Accusation 2/24/2016 Decision 7/7/2016
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002403 Mai Xiong No Pleading Default Decision 11/3/2016
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003292 Irving Moskowitz Accusation Withdrawn N/A
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001176 Outlaws Card Parlour Accusation Withdrawn N/A
Third Party Player TPPL-013174 Amber Jeanine Cadena Statement of Reasons 8/23/2016 Decision 11/17/2016
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001276 Poker Flats Casino Statement of Reasons 3/7/2016 Decision 12/8/2016
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003095 Terry Vargas Statement of Reasons 3/7/2016 Decision 12/8/2016
GE- Work Permit GEWP-001289 Shawn Kalani Kahanu Statement of Reasons 9/20/2016 Decision 1/3/2017
Third Party Primary Provider TPPP-000028 CB Certified Banker, Inc. First Amended Accusation and Statement of Issues 10/16/2015 Stipulated Settlement Decision and Order 1/12/2017
Third Party Owner-Person TPOW-000135 Tam Si Luu First Amended Accusation and Statement of Issues 10/16/2015 Stipulated Settlement Decision and Order 1/12/2017
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002326 Brandi Wright No Pleading Default Decision 1/26/2017
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-002757 Lucky Chances, Inc. Accusation 8/12/2015 Decision and Order 2/9/2017
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-001327 Rommel Medina Accusation 8/12/2015 Decision and Order 2/9/2017
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-001326 Ruell Medina Accusation 8/12/2015 Decision and Order 2/9/2017
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002276 Grant Doiron Statement of Reasons 9/22/2016 Decision 2/23/2017
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002412 Lippine Nop Statement of Reasons 8/18/2016 Decision 2/23/2017
GE- Key Employee GEKE-002011 Mark Pickens No Pleading Decision 3/8/2017
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-015691 Greg Docherty Statement of Reasons 8/30/2016 Decision 3/8/2017
Gambling Establishment GEGE-000466 Seven Mile Casino Accusation 9/23/2015 Decision 3/23/2017
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003395 Harvey F. Souza Accusation 9/23/2015 Decision 3/23/2017
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003396 Elizabeth J. Souza Accusation 9/23/2015 Decision 3/23/2017
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003394 Harvey and Bette Souza Living Trust Accusation 9/23/2015 Decision 3/23/2017
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003390 V.C. Cardroom Inc. Accusation 9/23/2015 Decision 3/23/2017
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002013 Phoungeune Borihanh Statement of Reasons 10/27/2016 Decision 3/23/2017
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003180 Mark S. Adam Statement of Reasons 7/28/2016 Decision 4/6/2017
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001301 Oceana Cardroom Statement of Reasons 7/28/2016 Decision 4/6/2017
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-016931 IL Koo Lee Statement of Reasons 12/8/2016 Decision 4/6/2017
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-014594 Jeffrey-Jun Sambrano Statement of Reasons 10/16/2015 Decision 4/20/2017
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-017065 Hue Vang Statement of Reasons 12/8/2016 Decision 5/11/2017
Third Party Primary Provider TPPP-000013 Dog Named Blue, DBA California Gaming Consultants, The Rick Balderamos Trust; and Richard Baladaramos Statement of Reasons 1/20/2016 Decision 6/8/2017
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-000472 Otho M. Smith No Pleading Decision 6/22/2017
Gambling Establishment GEGE-000206 S&K Cardroom No Pleading Decision 6/22/2017
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002436 Jennifer Domingos-Vital Statement of Reasons 2/10/2017 Decision 7/13/2017
GE- Work Permit GEWP-001829 Scott Gerald Smith Accusation 4/7/2017 Decision 7/13/2017
GE - Key Employee GEKE-000971 Hoa The Nguyen Statement of Reasons 2/27/2017 Decision 7/27/2017
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-015507 Mark Kruspe Decision 9/19/2017
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002182 Rhea A. Motley Statement of Reasons 6/23/2017 Decision 10/06/2017
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-002381 Louis Sarantos, Jr Clovis 500 Accusation re. Emergency Order (Case HQ2017-00001AC) 8/21/2017 Decision 12/18/2017
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-002381 Louis Sarantos, Jr Clovis 500 Accusation (Case No. HQ2013-00003AC) 6/30/2017 Decision 12/18/2017
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001013 Clovis 500 Club Clovis 500 Accusation re. Emergency Order (Case HQ2017-00001AC) 8/21/2017 Decision 12/18/2017
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001013 Clovis 500 Club Clovis 500 Accusation (Case No. HQ2013-00003AC) 6/30/2017 Decision 12/18/2017
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-014353 Joshua D. Betancur Statement of Reasons 10/3/2017 Decision 1/11/2018
GE - Work Permit GEWP-002488 Daniel Thomas Statement of Reasons 10/3/2017 Decision 1/11/2018
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-017147 Tony Corkhill Statement of Particulars 10/25/2017 Decision 1/23/2018
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-002034 Michael A. Whiteley, Jr. Ammended Accusation 5/16/2017 Stipulated Settlement 1/25/2018
Gambling Establishment GEGE-000811 Mike's Card Casino Ammended Accusation 5/16/2017 Stipulated Settlement 1/25/2018
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-002900 Juan L. Carrillo, Sole Proprietor No Pleading Default Decision 2/8/2018
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001168 Ven-A-Mexico No Pleading Default Decision 2/8/2018
GE - Work Permit GEWP-002467 Farm Saechao No Pleading Default Decision 2/8/2018
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002185 Patricia Ann Hernandez No Pleading Default Decision 3/8/2018
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-013776
Monita Chan Statement of Reasons 8/31/2017 Decision 3/8/2018
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002066 Rommel Naraval Statement of Reasons 8/15/2017 Decision 3/8/2018
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002170 Callaye Jo Strauss No Pleading Decision 6/11/2020
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-017146 Charles Bain No Pleading Decision 4/2/2018
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-007175 Kin Ping Wong Statement of Particulars 1/18/2018 Decision 4/2/2018
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-018586 Jonathan Xiong No Pleading Default Decision 4/12/2018
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-011301 Myron Lazo No Pleading Default Decision 4/12/2018
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002559 Gloria Georgina Sibbald Statement of Reasons 1/23/2018 Decision 5/3/2018
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-019209 Josue Brian Barrientos Statement of Reasons 3/9/2018 Decision 5/9/2018
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002180 Kevin Chao No Pleading Decision 5/10/2018
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002354 Duangmanee Charoensuk Statement of Reasons 1/23/2018 Decision 5/23/2018
Third Party-Registrant Playe TPPL-016256 Dianne Tran Statement of Reasons 2/15/2018 Decision 5/23/2018
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-016725 Gary Steve Kirby Statement of Reasons 3/23/2018 Decision 5/23/2018
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002554 Stephen Eric Herrera Statement of Reasons 1/23/2018 Decision 6/7/2018
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-016816 Fabian S. Torres Statement of Reasons 3/8/2018 Decision 6/20/2018
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002142 Armando Alcantar Statement of Reasons 3/23/2018 Decision 7/12/2018
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001276 Poker Flats Casino Statement of Reasons 6/15/2018 Decision 7/25/2018
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003095 Terry Vargas, Sole Proprietor Statement of Reasons 6/15/2018 Decision 7/25/2018
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-017913 Kyle Baisa Statement of Reasons 4/27/2018 Decision 7/26/2018
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-014490 Jackie Sum Statement of Reasons 3/8/2018 Decision 7/26/2018
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-017468 Channy Kem No Pleading Decision 7/26/2018
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-016719 Hong Heng No Pleading Decision and Order 7/12/2018
Third Party Player TPPL-011589 Sumeet Anand No Pleading Decision and Order 7/12/2018
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-016442 Joshua Metcalfe Statement of Particulars 5/9/2018 Decision 8/23/2018
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002179 Nadar Tafty Statement of Reasons 6/5/2018 Stipulated Settlement 8/23/2018
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001408 Leon Bernardi Statement of Issues 6/30/2017 Decision 8/23/2018

Stipulated Settlement Decision 4/29/2019
Third Party Player TPPL-006948 Joseph Frederick Capps Statement of Issues 9/16/2018 Non-Adoption of Decision 8/23/2018

Decision 11/29/2018
Third Party-Primary Provider TPPP-000080 Qualified Player Services, LLC Statement of Reasons 5/14/2018 Decision 9/6/2018
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002205 Danny Liv Statement of Reasons 5/2/2018 Decision 11/29/2018
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-012955 Gregory Hill Statement of Particulars 4/10/2018 Decision 9/20/2018
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-016124 Claudia Carmona Statement of Reasons 4/20/2018 Decision 9/20/2018
Third Party Player TPPL-012366 Hilary Brummett Statement of Particulars 4/3/2018 Decision 10/4/2018
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-018180 Sweeney Jahrin Williams Statement of Reasons 1/4/2018 Decision 10/4/2018
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-012761 Alice Mejia Catapia Statement of Reasons 2/15/2018 Decision 10/12/2018
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-018751 Raymond Smith, Jr. Statement of Reasons 8/16/2018 Decision 10/18/2018
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002668 Thea Bun No Pleading Decision 11/1/2018
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-013929 Abigail Morales No Pleading Decision 11/1/2018
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002664 Amanda Olson No Pleading Decision 11/1/2018
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002200 Bouakeo Phouminavong No Pleading Decision 11/1/2018
Third Party-Registrant Player TTPPL-013562 Frank Vang No Pleading Decision 11/1/2018
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-018080 Joel Muniz No Pleading Decision 11/1/2018
Third Party-Registrant Supervisor TPSU-001149 Jeffrey Stubblebine Statement of Reasons 8/16/2018 Decision 11/8/2018
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001997 Robert Ezzell Statement of Reasons 8/8/2018 Decision 11/29/2018
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-018000 Liqin Qian Statement of Reasons 9/20/2018 Decision 12/7/2018
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002177 Sai Saechao Statement of Reasons 7/25/2018 Decision 12/12/2018
GE - Work Permit GEWP-001461 Sai Saechao Statement of Reasons 7/25/2018 Decision 12/12/2018
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002610 Ramon R. Lopez No Pleading Decision 12/13/2018
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002169 Zack Esmaili No Pleading Decision 12/13/2018
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002615 Jensen Wrona Statement of Reasons 10/18/2018 Decision 12/18/2018
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-016247 Bryan Leon Garcia Statement of Reasons 7/31/2018 Decision 12/18/2018
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-000853 Lewis & Lewis, Inc. Statement of Reasons 10/1/2018 Decision 1/10/2019
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003284 Natalie J. Lewis Survivors Trust Statement of Reasons 10/1/2018 Decision 1/10/2019
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003216 Margaret Lewis Statement of Reasons 10/1/2018 Decision 1/10/2019
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003341 David Ryan Lewis Statement of Reasons 10/1/2018 Decision 1/10/2019
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003342 Brooke Lewis-Siemers Statement of Reasons 10/1/2018 Decision 1/10/2019
Gambling Establishment GEGE-000340 Cameo Club Statement of Reasons 10/1/2018 Decision 1/10/2019
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003234 David and Margaret Lewis Family Trust 1999 Statement of Reasons 10/1/2018 Decision 1/10/2019
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002159 Tom Bowling Statement of Reasons 8/30/2018 Decision 1/11/2019
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003803 Kris Kat, LLC Statement of Reasons 8/10/2018 Decision 1/12/2019
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003802 Steven Ayers Statement of Reasons 8/10/2018 Decision 1/12/2019
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-015682 Angela Hoang Statement of Reasons 9/17/2018 Decision 5/16/2019
Gambling Establishment GEGE-000438 Casino 99 Statement of Particulars 10/16/2018 Decision 2/7/2019
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-001069 Angela Harris, Sole Proprietor Statement of Particulars 10/16/2018 Decision 2/7/2019
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-001070 Gary Harris, Community Property Interest Holder Statement of Particulars 10/16/2018 Decision 2/7/2019
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-019863 Darrion Griffith Statement of Reasons 9/17/2018 Decision 2/7/2019
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001568 Alfred Perez Statement of Reasons 8/20/2018 Decision 2/7/2019
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-018710 Vanessa Ellis Statement of Reasons 11/13/2018 Decision 1/24/2019
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002250 Donald Ly Statement of Reasons 11/19/2018 Decision 1/24/2019
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002684 Chary Inthavong No Pleading Decision 1/24/2019
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002686 Samantha Sales No Pleading Decision 1/24/2019
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-013561 Kamphan Keooupalath No Pleading Decision 1/24/2019
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-018871 Diana Plong Statement of Reasons 9/18/2018 Decision 1/24/2019
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-020013 Sianna Hasenberg Statement of Reasons 8/27/2018 Decision 2/21/2019
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002633 Evan Jones No Pleading Decision 2/21/2019
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-018884 Kenneth Searle No Pleading Decision 2/21/2019
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002174 Tawni Vargas No Pleading Decision 3/6/2019
Third Party- Owner-Person TPOW-000460 Debbie Willhalm Statement of Issues 11/27/2018 Decision 3/27/2019
Third Party- Primary Provider TPPP-000101 21 Vault Gaming Statement of Issues 11/27/2018 Decision 3/27/2019
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002232 Michael Lopez Statement of Reasons 11/19/2018 Decision 3/28/2019
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-014608 Ja'Meika Thompson Statement of Reasons 10/5/2018 Decision 4/10/2019
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-016044 Kom Bang Statement of Reasons 1/17/2019 Decision 4/10/2019
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002267 Timothy Tran Rupert Statement of Reasons 1/24/2019 Decision 4/11/2019
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001413 Jon Strecker Amended Statement of Issues 6/30/2017 Decision 4/29/2019
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001212 Edward Glen Mason First Amended Statement of Issues 6/30/2017 Decision 4/29/2019
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-020353 Lola Walker Marcia No Pleading Decision 4/29/2019
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-018131 Antonio Leonido No Pleading Decision 4/29/2019
Third Party Player TPPL-012355 Aleksey Tkach Statement of Reasons 9/18/2018 Decision 4/29/2019
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-019568 Ian Riley Statement of Particulars 11/8/2018 Decision 4/29/2019
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-018611 Derek Gaxiola Statement of Reasons 9/17/2018 Decision 5/16/2019
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002226 Christopher Stigers Statement of Reasons 1/31/2019 Decision 5/16/2019
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001082 Star's Casino Accusation 7/14/2017 Decision 5/30/2019
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-002594 Joseph A. Melech Accusation 7/14/2017 Decision 5/30/2019
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-002593 Monica M. Melech Accusation 7/14/2017 Decision 5/30/2019
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001082 Star's Casino Statement of Issues 11/20/2018 Decision 5/30/2019
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003460 Star's Gaming, Inc Statement of Issues 11/20/2018 Decision 5/30/2019
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003461 Joseph A. Melech Statement of Issues 11/20/2018 Decision 5/30/2019
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003462 Monica M. Melech Statement of Issues 11/20/2018 Decision 5/30/2019
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003456 Emmanuel Macalino Statement of Issues 11/20/2018 Decision 5/30/2019
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002630 Linh Ngo Statement of Reasons 11/20/2018 Decision 5/30/2019
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-012779 Lloyd D. Marin, Jr. Statement of Reasons 3/26/2019 Decision 5/30/2019
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-014270 Cindy Yanez Statement of Reasons 4/8/2019 Decision 5/30/2019
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002627 Steve Hodge Statement of Reasons 3/13/2019 Decision 5/30/2019
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-013500 Xiu Guo Zhang No Pleading Decision 5/30/2019
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002249 Misty Vargas Alonzo Statement of Reasons 4/12/2019 Decision 6/14/2019
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-018896 Hero Tip No Pleading Decision 6/27/2019
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002704 Adan Marquez No Pleading Decision 6/27/2019
Third Party Player TPPL-018570 Chi Kang Tea No Pleading Decision 7/25/2019
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001290 Michelle Miller-Wahler Accusation 10/30/2013 Stipulated Settlement 8/29/2019
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001387 David La Accusation 10/30/2013 Stipulated Settlement 8/29/2019
Third Party-Registrant Supervisor TPSU-001328 Elena Drouillard Statement of Reasons 5/8/2019 Decision 8/29/2019
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-018397 Jimena Mejia Statement of Reasons 7/24/2019 Decision 8/29/2019
Third Party Player TPPL-019798 Daisy Aguilar No Pleading Decision 8/29/2019
Third Party Player TPPL-017652 Eric Ortiz No Pleading Decision 8/29/2019
Third Party Player TPPL-018694 Maira Ramirez-Frausto No Pleading Decision 8/29/2019
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002717 Mindy Or No Pleading Decision 8/29/2019
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002298 Chris Perez No Pleading Default Decision 9/26/2019
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002305 Michael Owens No Pleading Decision 10/10/2019
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002244 Brian Yee Statement of Reasons 5/16/2019 Decision 10/24/2019
GE - Work Permit GEWP-002711 Brian Yee Statement of Reasons 5/16/2019 Decision 10/24/2019
GE - Work Permit GEWP-002723 Eduardo Martinez Statement of Reasons 8/7/2019 Decision 11/4/2019
Third Party Player TPPL-020480 Christopher Walker No Pleading Decision 11/7/2019
Third Party Player TPPL-017297 Ruth Reyes No Pleading Decision 11/7/2019
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-018701 Pedro Reyes-Amado Statement of Reasons 9/11/2019 Decision 11/22/2019
Gambling Establishment GEGE-000392 Hawaiian Gardens Casino Accusation 11/18/2019 Decision 12/5/2019
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-000961 Hawaiian Gardens Casino, Inc. Accusation 11/18/2019 Decision 12/5/2019
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003294 The Moskowitz joint Revocable Living Trust Accusation 11/18/2019 Decision 12/5/2019
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003293 Cherna Moskowitz Accusation 11/18/2019 Decision 12/5/2019
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-000966 David Moskowitz Accusation 11/18/2019 Decision 12/5/2019
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003402 Gary Kramer Accusation 11/18/2019 Decision 12/5/2019
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002300 Darren Reed No Pleading Decision 12/17/2019
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-020001 Odyleo Divina Statement of Reasons 9/30/2019 Decision 12/19/2019
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-019231 Edgar Arriaga No Pleading Decision 12/19/2019
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-015687 Tanisha Grant Statement of Reasons 9/19/2019 Decision 1/9/2020
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-012862 Junly Phon Statement of Reasons 10/9/2019 Decision 1/9/2020
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-020779 Albert Tin King Wong No Pleading Decision 1/9/2020
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-019805 Albert Tin King Wong No Pleading Decision 1/9/2020
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-020575 Ernesto De Leon Statement of Reasons 8/23/2019 Decision 1/9/2020
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002284 Berney James Hoover No Pleading Decision 1/23/2020
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-020266 Monica Serpa Statement of Reasons 10/31/2019 Decision 2/27/2020
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-015467 Teresa Diehl-Govea Statement of Reasons 10/23/2019 Decision 3/12/2020
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003729 Golden Pacific Management, LLC No Pleading Decision 3/12/2020
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003731 Lylan Do No Pleading Decision 3/12/2020
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003730 Stephanie Nguyen No Pleading Decision 3/12/2020
TP Registrant - Player TPPL-022180 Jasmine Norwood No Pleading Decision 3/12/2020
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-019315 Valerie Chavez Statement of Reasons 10/22/2019 Decision 3/26/2020
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001280 Casino Marysville Statement of Reasons 12/14/2018 Decision 3/26/2020
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003301 Sau Cung Phong, Inc. Owner Statement of Reasons 12/14/2018 Decision 3/26/2020
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003322 Sau Chung Phong, President, Sole Shareholder Statement of Reasons 12/14/2018 Decision 3/26/2020
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003233 Ranchos Club Casino, Inc. dba Magnolia House Casino Accusation 1/7/2020 Stipulated Settlement Decision and Order 5/7/2020
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003716 Four Leaf Clover Investments LLC Accusation 1/7/2020 Stipulated Settlement Decision and Order 5/7/2020
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003717 Thomas B. Sheridan Accusation 1/7/2020 Stipulated Settlement Decision and Order 5/7/2020
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-020610 Christopher Alexander Palacios No Pleading Default Decision 4/30/2020
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002488 David Jocis Statement of Reasons 10/4/2019 Decision 4/30/2020
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003361 Donald G. Ezzell Second Amended Accusation and Statement of Issues 7/10/2019 Stipulated Settlement 5/28/2020
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001329 Paso Robles Central Coast Casino Second Amended Accusation and Statement of Issues 7/10/2019 Stipulated Settlement 5/28/2020
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003362 PRCCC, Inc Second Amended Accusation and Statement of Issues 7/10/2019 Stipulated Settlement 5/28/2020
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002395 Kevin Hwa No Pleading Default Decision 6/11/2020
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-023303 Keanu Quenga No Pleading Default Decision 6/11/2020
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-018728 Andrew Arellano Statement of Reasons 1/20/2020 Decision 6/11/2020
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002696 Jason Snarr Statement of Reasons 4/7/2020 Decision 7/9/2020
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-020006 Julius Gonzales No Pleading Decision 7/23/2020
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002832 Ariel Marrero No Pleading Decision 7/23/2020
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-023063 Omar Zepeda-Naranjo Statement of Reasons 5/8/2020 Decision 8/4/2020
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-023396 Jonathan Sandoval No Pleading Decision 8/27/2020
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-022640 Richard Jeffrey Dondiego No Pleading Decision 8/27/2020
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-021221 Roderick Hebert Statement of Reasons 6/19/2020 Decision 9/10/2020
Third Party Player TPPL-019508 Aaron Robles Statement of Reasons 3/19/2020 Decision 9/10/2020
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-022973 Malik Cooper No Pleading Decision 10/15/2020
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-021047 Jimmy Khun No Pleading Decision 10/15/2020
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003303 Full Rack Entertainment, Inc. Accusation 5/22/2020 Stipulated Settlement Decision 11/5/2020
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001318 Towers Casino Accusation 5/22/2020 Stipulated Settlement Decision 11/5/2020
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003305 John Robinson Accusation 5/22/2020 Stipulated Settlement Decision 11/5/2020
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003304 Jamey Robinson Accusation 5/22/2020 Stipulated Settlement Decision 11/5/2020
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-021604 Amy Guan No Pleading Decision 11/19/2020
Third Party-Registrant Primary Provider TPPP-000126 Pacific United Service, Inc., Bill Vi Do, sole shareholder No Pleading Decision 11/19/2020
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-022644 Carlos Gomez No Pleading Decision 11/19/2020
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-022818 Teayna Marie Stephens Statement of Reasons 7/16/2020 Decision 1/7/2021
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-022125 David Gerritson Statement of Reasons 8/31/2020 Decision 1/21/2021
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002902 Daniel Lee Roy No Pleading Decision 1/21/2021
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002891 Lydia Starr No Pleading Decision 1/21/2021
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002734 Steven Lustig No Pleading Decision 1/21/2021
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-022891 Jacqueline Watchman No Pleading Decision 1/21/2021
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-021493 Sakado Keo Statement of Reasons 5/8/2020 Decision 1/29/2021
Third Party Player TPPL-020086 Ronald Zambrano Statement of Reasons 9/4/2020 Decision 2/4/2021
Third Party- Player TPPL-016435 Britney Cooper Statement of Reasons 2/28/2020 Decision 2/18/2021
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003261 Mortimer's Inc. First Amended Accusation & SOI 5/1/2020 Stipulated Settlement; Decision and Order 3/11/2021
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001304 Mortimer's Card Room First Amended Accusation & SOI 5/1/2020 Stipulated Settlement; Decision and Order 3/11/2021
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003262 Mark E. Williamson First Amended Accusation & SOI 5/1/2020 Stipulated Settlement; Decision and Order 3/11/2021
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003212 Pamela Leslie Neu First Amended Accusation & SOI 5/1/2020 Stipulated Settlement; Decision and Order 3/11/2021
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003226 Willis Lee Hanna First Amended Accusation & SOI 5/1/2020 Stipulated Settlement; Decision and Order 3/11/2021
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003225 Marylee H. Sakas First Amended Accusation & SOI 5/1/2020 Stipulated Settlement; Decision and Order 3/11/2021
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002866 Cui Ping Liang No Pleading Decision 3/11/2021
Third Party-Registrant Supervisor TPSU-001781 Sandra Ramirez No Pleading Decision 3/11/2021
Third Party-Registrant Supervisor TPSU-001098 Francisco Hernandez No Pleading Decision 3/11/2021
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001007 Artichoke Joe's Casino Second Amended Accusation & Statement of Issues 2/11/2021 Stipulated Settlement, Decision and Order 3/25/2021
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-002367 Artichoke Joe's Second Amended Accusation & Statement of Issues 2/11/2021 Stipulated Settlement, Decision and Order 3/25/2021
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003112 Sally Ann Johnson Family Trust Second Amended Accusation & Statement of Issues 2/11/2021 Stipulated Settlement, Decision and Order 3/25/2021
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-002390 Helen Sammut Living Trust Second Amended Accusation & Statement of Issues 2/11/2021 Stipulated Settlement, Decision and Order 3/25/2021
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-002388 Michael J. Sammut AJ Stock Trust Second Amended Accusation & Statement of Issues 2/11/2021 Stipulated Settlement, Decision and Order 3/25/2021
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003370
Karen A. Sammutt Second Amended Accusation & Statement of Issues 2/11/2021 Stipulated Settlement, Decision and Order 3/25/2021
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003368 Dennis J. Sammut AJ Stock Trust Second Amended Accusation & Statement of Issues 2/11/2021 Stipulated Settlement, Decision and Order 3/25/2021
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-002368 Sally Johnson Second Amended Accusation & Statement of Issues 2/11/2021 Stipulated Settlement, Decision and Order 3/25/2021
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003369 Dennis J. Sammut Second Amended Accusation & Statement of Issues 2/11/2021 Stipulated Settlement, Decision and Order 3/25/2021
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-002370 Helen M. Sammut Second Amended Accusation & Statement of Issues 2/11/2021 Stipulated Settlement, Decision and Order 3/25/2021
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001287 Va Phong Statement of Reasons 10/19/2020 Stipulated Settlement, Decision and Order 3/25/2021
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002380 Linda Parks Statement of Reasons 7/10/2020 Decision 4/8/2021
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-017878 Jarmaine Pascua Statement of Reasons 1/22/2021 Decision 4/8/2021
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002918 Timothy Parra No Pleading Decision 4/22/2021
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003824 Outlaws 101, LLC Statement of Particulars 2/1/2021 Decision 5/20/2021
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003826 Thomas William Bartlett Statement of Particulars 2/1/2021 Decision 5/20/2021
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003825 John Wrona Statement of Particulars 2/1/2021 Decision 5/20/2021
Gambling Establishment GEGE-000354 Lake Bowl Cardroom Accusation 11/12/2020 Stipulated Settlement 6/10/2021
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-000883 Waldemar Dreher Accusation 11/12/2020 Stipulated Settlement 6/10/2021
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-024248 Mario Gonzales No Pleading Decision 6/10/2021
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-015578 Joshua Madrigal No Pleading Decision 6/10/2021
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002961 Carrie Rabener No Pleading Decision 6/10/2021
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-004037 Ning Low Garcia No Pleading Decision 6/10/2021
GE- Work Permit GEWP-001598 David Whatley Statement of Reasons 3/22/2012 Decision 6/23/2021
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002540 David Whatley Statement of Reasons 3/22/2012 Decision 6/23/2021
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002897 Susan Hooker Statement of Reasons 3/12/2021 Decision 6/23/2021
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003655 Robert Russell Harris, Jr. Statement of Reasons 3/23/2021 Decision 6/28/2022
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-018624 Hector Andrade Statement of Reasons 3/25/2021 Decision 7/20/2021
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-024142 John Martinez Statement of Reasons 4/21/2021 Decision 7/20/2021
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002481 Rosanne Tran Statement of Reasons 4/26/2021 Decision 7/20/2021
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003148 Delta C, LP Accusation 12/17/2020 Decision 7/20/2021
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001313 Kings Card Club Accusation 12/17/2020 Decision 7/20/2021
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-020582 Alan Richard Erikson Statement of Reasons 4/5/2021 Decision 7/22/2021
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002875 Charlito Lukban No Pleading Decision 7/22/2021
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002863 Henry Vu No Pleading Decision 7/22/2021
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-024648 Kenia Ramirez No Pleading Decision 7/22/2021
Gambling Establishment GEGE-000950 Lucky Lady Card Room Accusation 2/26/2020 Stipulated Settlement 8/12/2021
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-002251 Stanley S. Penn Accusation 2/26/2020 Stipulated Settlement 8/12/2021
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-024369 Jolyn Garrido Statement of Reasons 5/6/2021 Decision 8/26/2021
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-026460 Patrick Paranada No Pleading Decision 8/26/2021
Gambling Establishment GEGE-000438 Casino 99 Accusation 3/16/2020

Statement of Issues 6/9/2020
Stipulated Settlement 9/23/2021
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-001069 Angela K. Harris Accusation 3/16/2020

Statement of Issues 6/9/2020
Stipulated Settlement 9/23/2021
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-001070 Gary Harris Accusation 3/16/2020

Statement of Issues 6/9/2020
Stipulated Settlement 9/23/2021
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-004058 Casino 99, LLC Statement of Issues 6/17/2021 Stipulated Settlement 9/23/2021
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-004059 Angela Kaye Harris Statement of Issues 6/17/2021 Stipulated Settlement 9/23/2021
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-004047 Gary Lee Harris Statement of Issues 6/17/2021 Stipulated Settlement 9/23/2021
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001456 Darren Furtado No Pleading Decision 8/17/2017
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-024841 Cindy Tran Statement of Reasons 7/19/2021 Decision 10/7/2021
Third Party-Registrant Supervisor TPSU-001767 Tony Moua Statement of Reasons 6/14/2021 Decision 10/7/2021
Third Party-Registrant Supervisor TPSU-001441 Ricardo Gil-Mendez Statement of Reasons 6/29/2021 Decision 11/4/2021
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002703 Ivan Cruz No Pleading Decision 11/4/2021
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-023678 Michelle Deanda No Pleading Default Decision 12/2/2021
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-018438 Ryan Molsberry No Pleading Default Decision 12/2/2021
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002975 Jeffrey Feinglas, Jr. No Pleading Default Decision 12/2/2021
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-022562 Christine Werner Statement of Reasons 10/28/2021 Decision 1/6/2022
GE- Work Permit GEWP-002789 Vito LoConte Statement of Reasons 4/30/2021 Decision 2/10/2022
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002569 Carmelita Albiani Statement of Reasons 7/8/2021 Decision 2/10/2022
Third Party Player TPPL-025425 Steven Wang Statement of Reasons 7/28/2021 Decision 2/24/2022
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-025915 Adam Lewis No Pleading Default Decision 3/10/2022
Third Party-Worker Temp License TPWK-000174 Avelina Banuelos No Pleading Default Decision 3/10/2022
Third Party-Worker Temp License TPWK-000078 Jasmine Chimal No Pleading Default Decision 3/10/2022
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-025791 Cody Daun No Pleading Default Decision 3/10/2022
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002503 A Vang Saephan Statement of Reasons 1/1/2021 Default Decision 3/10/2022
GE - Key Employee GEKE-000843 Jan Robin Beverley No Pleading Default Decision 3/15/2022
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001211 Naseem Salem Statement of Reasons 9/28/2021 Decision 3/22/2022
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-020770 Melvyn McGowan Statement of Reasons 12/7/2021 Decision 3/22/2022
Third Party-Registrant Supervisor TPSU-001514 Selah Gavin Davis Statement of Reasons 9/15/2021 Decision 4/7/2022
Third Party-Registrant Supervisor TPSU-001563 Selah Gavin Davis Statement of Reasons 9/15/2021 Decision 4/7/2022
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002491 Nicole Seiuli Statement of Reasons 12/10/2021 Decision 4/21/2022
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-004026 Joanne Michele Williams Statement of Reasons 1/7/2022 Decision 4/21/2022
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-017505 Jonathen Frankson Statement of Reasons 1/18/2022 Decision 5/12/2022
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-025661 Jeremy Beverly No Pleading Default Decision 5/12/2022
Third Party-Worker Temp TPWK-000180 Maylene Ross No Pleading Default Decision 5/12/2022
Third Party-Worker Temp TPWK-000151 Norman Merkel No Pleading Default Decision 5/12/2022
Third Party-Registrant Owner Person TPOW-000592 Wanchun Huang Statement of Reasons 12/29/2021 Decision 5/16/2022
Third Party-Registrant Owner Person TPOW-000591 Jiahua Yu Statement of Reasons 12/29/2021 Decision 5/16/2022
TP Registrant - Primary Provider TPPP-000134 East Sea Investment Group, Inc. Statement of Reasons 12/29/2021 Decision 5/16/2022
TP Registrant - Player TPPL-026465 Ryan LaFountain Statement of Reasons 12/29/2021 Decision 5/26/2022
Third Party-Worker Temp License TPWK-000565 Traci Preston Statement of Reasons 2/7/2022 Decision 5/26/2022
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-004091 John Park dba Bell Jackpot Casino Statement of Reasons 2/24/2022 Decision 9/8/2022
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002604 Terrance Seglem Statement of Reasons 3/29/2022 Decision 7/7/2022
Third Party-Registrant Supervisor TPSU-001232 Alan Tan Statement of Reasons 4/1/2022 Decision 7/7/2022
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001769 Wil Yousif Sako Accusation 7/7/2020 Decision 7/7/2022
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-024823 Victor Espinoza Downey Statement of Reasons 3/24/2022 Decision 8/11/2022
Third Party-Registrant Supervisor TPSU-001526 Shawn Zion Statement of Reasons 7/6/2022 Decision 9/22/2022
Third Party-Worker Temp License TPWK-000758 Teri Hall Statement of Reasons 7/6/2022 Decision 9/26/2022
Third Party-Registrant Player TPPL-026189 Vincent Sanchez Statement of Reasons 8/1/2022 Decision 10/18/2022
Third Party-Worker Temp License TPWK-001034 Anthony Green Statement of Reasons 8/3/2022 Decision 11/3/2022
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-002950 Dora C. Brown Accusation Withdrawn N/A
Gambling Establishment GEGE-000421 Kelly's Accusation Withdrawn N/A
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003361 Donald G. Ezzell Accusation Withdrawn N/A
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001329 Paso Robles Central Coast Casino Accusation Withdrawn N/A
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003362 PRCCC, Inc. Accusation Withdrawn N/A
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-021666 Shin Lee Statement of Reasons 10/24/2022 Decision 1/12/2023
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001313 Scott A. Hayden Accusation 9/14/2014 Default Decision 1/12/2023
Third Party-Registrant Primary Provider TPPP-000109 Knighted Ventures, LLC Statement of Particulars 8/30/2021 Decision 1/26/2023
Third Party-Registrant Owner Person TPOW-000479 Jieho Lee Statement of Particulars 8/30/2021 Decision 1/26/2023
Third Party-Registrant Owner Person TPOW-000478 Roy Choi Statement of Particulars 8/30/2021 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003782 Fortiss, LLC Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003871 Fortiss, LLC Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003873 Fortiss, LLC Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003870 Fortiss, LLC Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003872 Fortiss, LLC Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003874 Fortiss, LLC Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003784 John H. Park Trust Under Declaration of Trust Dated July 18, 2012, Member Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003855 John H. Park Trust Under Declaration of Trust Dated July 18, 2012, Member Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003856 John H. Park Trust Under Declaration of Trust Dated July 18, 2012, Member Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003857 John H. Park Trust Under Declaration of Trust Dated July 18, 2012, Member Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003858 John H. Park Trust Under Declaration of Trust Dated July 18, 2012, Member Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003859 John H. Park Trust Under Declaration of Trust Dated July 18, 2012, Member Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-004102 John Hee-Jong Park Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-004103 John Hee-Jong Park Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-004104 John Hee-Jong Park Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-004105 John Hee-Jong Park Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-004106 John Hee-Jong Park Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-004107 John Hee-Jong Park Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003783 John Hee-Jong Park Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003860 John Hee-Jong Park Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003861 John Hee-Jong Park Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003862 John Hee-Jong Park Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003863 John Hee-Jong Park Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003864 John Hee-Jong Park Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003787 Michael C. Vasey Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003865 Michael C. Vasey Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003866 Michael C. Vasey Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003867 Michael C. Vasey Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003868 Michael C. Vasey Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003869 Michael C. Vasey Statement of Particulars 9/16/2020 Decision 1/26/2023
GE- Work Permit-Regular GEWP-002653 Brandt Goodwin Statement of Reasons 9/8/2022 Decision 2/9/2023
Third Party-Worker Temp License TPWK-002396 Marcos Cabrera Statement of Reasons 10/3/2022 Decision 2/9/2023
Third Party-Worker Temp License TPWK-002354 Xiaojun Chen Statement of Reasons 10/3/2022 Decision 2/9/2023
GE - Key Employee - Temp GEKE-002661 Eric Cannon Statement of Reasons 11/14/2022 Decision 3/9/2023
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-002757 Lucky Chances, Inc. Statement of Particulars 5/31/2022 Stipulated Settlement, Decision and Order 3/23/2023
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-001327 Rommel R. Medina Statement of Particulars 5/31/2022 Stipulated Settlement, Decision and Order 3/23/2023
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-001326 Ruell R. Medina Statement of Particulars 5/31/2022 Stipulated Settlement, Decision and Order 3/23/2023
GE- Work Permit-Regular GEWP-002985 Bunny Heng Statement of Reasons 11/30/2022 Decision 3/30/2023
Third Party-Worker Temp License TPWK-000889 Brandon Cream Statement of Reasons 12/12/2022 Decision 4/5/2023
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002616 Roland Addison Statement of Reasons 10/27/2022 Decision 4/5/2023
GE - Key Employee GEKE-001462 Dusten Sean Perry Accusation 9/8/2017 Decision 4/20/2023
GE - Key Employee GEKE-002504 Seakngim Song Statement of Reasons 11/29/2022 Decision 4/20/2023
GE- Work Permit-Regular GEWP-002788 Seakngim Song Statement of Reasons 11/29/2022 Decision 4/20/2023
Third Party-Worker Temp License TPWK-003835 Angela Say No Pleading Default Decision 3/23/2023
Third Party-Worker Temp License TPWK-002733 Narak Sovan Bin No Pleading Default Decision 3/23/2023
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-022334 Freddie Cabada Statement of Particulars 2/1/2023 Decision 5/4/2023
Third Party-Worker Temp License TPWK-002177 Mary Lock Statement of Reasons 11/22/2022 Decision 5/4/2023
Third Party-Worker Temp License TPWK-003796 Stephanie Lynn Potter No Pleading Default Decision 5/4/2023
Third Party-Worker Temp License TPWK-002589 Jisela Lilliana Vasquez No Pleading Default Decision 5/4/2023
GE - Key Employee Temp GEKE-002691 Johnny Saeteurn No Pleading Default Decision 5/4/2023
Third Party-Worker Temp License TPWK-002834 Noe Rivas Statement of Reasons 1/12/2023 Decision 5/4/2023
Third Party-Worker Temp License TPWK-001366 Jesse Dunning Statement of Reasons 2/24/2023 Decision 5/25/2023
Third Party-Worker Temp License TPWK-002001 Dominick Sanchez Statement of Reasons 1/11/2023 Decision 6/2/2023
Third Party-Worker Temp License TPWK-000717 Isaac Dallas Statement of Reasons 3/7/2023 Decision 6/8/2023
Third Party-Worker Temp License TPWK-003355 Wyatt Rowe No Pleading Default Decision 6/22/2023
Third Party-Worker Temp License TPWK-004120 Anna Retizo No Pleading Default Decision 6/22/2023
Third Party-Worker Regular License TPWK-004671 Audrey Awalt No Pleading Default Decision 6/22/2023
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-018625 Koua Xiong Statement of Reasons 5/1/2023 Decision 8/10/2023
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-022326 Arron Norton Statement of Reasons 11/14/2022 Decision 8/10/2023
Third Party Supervisor Temp License TPSU-001971 Matthew Stearns Statement of Reasons 4/17/2023 Decision 8/24/2023
Third Party Primary Provider TPPP-000067 Arise, LLC Accusation 2/26/2020 Settlement 12/23/2023
Third Party Owner Person TPOW-000362 Darrell Stuart Miers Accusation 2/26/2020 Settlement 12/23/2023
TP Worker Temp License TPWK-004886 Crystal Vazquez Statement of Reasons 9/12/2023 Decision 12/21/2023
TP Supervisor Temp License TPSU-002040 Binh Ho Statement of Reasons 10/6/2023 Decision 1/11/2024
TP Worker Temp License TPWK-002813 Francisco Paredez, Sr. Statement of Reasons 10/23/2023 Decision 1/11/2024
TP Registrant - Primary Provider TPPP-000091 Team View Player Services, LLC No Pleading Default Decision 2/8/2024
TP Registrant - Owner-Entity TPOW-000491 The Timothy M. Gustin Family Trust No Pleading Default Decision 2/8/2024
TP Registrant - Owner-Person TPOW-000384 Timothy M. Gustin No Pleading Default Decision 2/8/2024
GE- Work Permit-Temp. GEWP-003075 Dora Brown Statement of Reasons 10/27/2023 Decision 2/22/2024
GE- Work Permit-Temp. GEWP-003072 Joel Brown Statement of Reasons 10/16/2023 Decision 4/18/2024
TP Worker Temp License TPWK-005678 Robert Gonzalez No Pleading Default Decision 4/18/2024
GE- Key Employee - Temp GEKE-002733 Christopher Moosman Statement of Reasons 1/16/2024 Decision 5/9/2024
GE- Key Employee GEKE-002655 Brandon Wong No Pleading Default Decision 6/20/2024
TP Worker Temp License TPWK-005782 Amanda Washington No Pleading Default Decision 6/20/2024
TP Worker Temp License TPWK-004349 Maribel Hernandez No Pleading Default Decision 6/20/2024
Third Party Primary Provider TPPP-000119 Blackstone Gaming, LLC Second Amended Accusation 5/7/2024 Stipulated Settlement 7/25/2024
Third Party Owner Person TPOW-000526 Tuan Van Thai Second Amended Accusation 5/7/2024 Stipulated Settlement 7/25/2024
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003209 Central Coast Casino Grover Beach, Inc. Statement of Particulars 4/19/2024 Decision 8/8/2024
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-002459 David Stearns Statement of Particulars 4/19/2024 Decision 8/8/2024
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-002460 Theresa Stearns Statement of Particulars 4/19/2024 Decision 8/8/2024
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001029 Central Coast Casino Statement of Particulars 4/19/2024 Decision 8/8/2024
Third Party-Worker Temp License TPWK-006926 Emilliano Guerrero No Pleading Default Decision 9/19/2024
TP Worker Temp License TPWK-004733 Natasha Johnson Statement of Reasons 7/9/2024 Decision 9/27/2024
TP Worker Regular License TPWK-000127 Hanh Thi Huynh Accusation 4/23/2024 Default Decision and Order 10/22/2024
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-002429 The Bicycle Casino, Limited Partnership Accusation Withdrawn N/A
Gambling Establishment GEGE-001028 The Bicycle Hotel & Casino Accusation Withdrawn N/A
GE- Owner-Person GEOW-003389 Leo Chu Accusation Withdrawn N/A
GE- Owner-Entity GEOW-003574 Thousand Palms Enterprises, Inc. Accusation Withdrawn N/A
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-021676 Nicole Brooks Statement of Reasons 8/12/2024 Decision 11/21/2024
Tribal Key Employee TRKE-020615 Phia Xiong Statement of Reasons 8/20/2024 Decision 11/21/2024
GE- Key Employee GEKE-002651 Oscar Rosario Statement of Particulars 8/26/2024 Decision 12/5/2024
TP Worker Temp License TPWK-005780 Michael Espudo, Jr. Statement of Reasons 8/20/2024 Decision 12/12/2024
TP Worker Temp License TPWK-005549 Audrey Stevens Statement of Reasons 7/8/2024 Decision 1/9/2025
TP Worker Temp License TPWK-004933 Sovann Som Statement of Reasons 7/8/2024 Decision 1/9/2025
GE- Key Employee - Temp GEKE-002720 Thomas Truong No Pleading Default Decision 1/23/2025
TP Worker Temp License TPWK-007270 Ruben Perez No Pleading Default Decision 1/23/2025
GE- Key Employee GEKE-002721 Eugene Lopez Statement of Reasons 9/9/2024 Decision 2/6/2025