Proposed Regulations

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How To Participate

Click on the "Notice of Proposed Action" to obtain specific date and location detail for regulatory hearings. Interested persons may present statements or arguments in writing or orally at public hearings. Written comments may be submitted by mail, by e-mail, or by fax, as provided in the Notice of Proposed Action. If you wish to submit your comment on proposed regulations in an e-mail, please include in the subject line "Comment on CGCC File No. …" with the file number. For example, "Comment on CGCC File No. 2011-01-R." To e-mail your comment, click on this link: Submit your Comments on Draft Regulations Here.

Rulemaking (Regulations) Mailing List Email Subscription Form


CGCC-GCA- 2024-0X-R

Multi-Owner Type Licenses

§§ 12002, 12054, 12080, 12102, 12112, 12114, 12116

The Commission will be considering
initiating a formal rulemaking process
at the August 1, 2024 Commission meeting.



§§ 12002, 12095, 12096, 12097, 12098, 12099, and 12461.

The originally noticed March 8, 2024
Commission Meeting for consideration
and approval to commence the formal
rulemaking process for the draft regulations
has been cancelled. This meeting has been
rescheduled to April 16, 2024.

The informal public comment period has been
extended to end March 17, 2024.


Approval of Transactions

§§ 12002, 12054, 12068, 12090, 12256, 12311, 12311.2, 12312, 12313, 12316, 12322, 12324, 12326, 12328, 12330, 12332, 12560, and 12566

At the December 13, 2022 Commission
Workshop on Approval of Transactions,
the Commission directed staff to make
additional revisions to the draft text and to
bring this matter back before the Commission
for consideration at a later date.