Gaming Resource Suppliers/Financial Sources Providers (Vendors)
General Information
The California Tribal-State Gaming Compact requires that any Gaming Resource Supplier who directly or indirectly provides at least twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) in Gaming Resources in any 12-month period, or any Financial Source Provider extending financing directly or indirectly in connection with a Tribe's operation, shall be licensed by the Tribal Gaming Agency prior to providing such services. In addition to this requirement, Gaming Resource Suppliers and Financial Source Providers shall apply to the State Gaming Agency for a determination of suitability for licensure. The State Gaming Agency consists of the California Gambling Control Commission and the Bureau of Gambling Control of the California Department of Justice, which are entities of the State of California and not of the Tribe.
Please refer to the relevant Compacts and Secretarial Procedures for further information.
Initial Applicants
If you are required to be found suitable by the State Gaming Agency (as indicated above) you must submit the following information to the Bureau of Gambling Control of the California Department of Justice:
- Application for Finding of Suitability, (BGC-100), with applicable fees/deposits as listed on the application
- Authorization to Release Information, (CGCC-CH2-13 New 05/20)
- Current Organization Chart for Business and/or Entity
- Copy of Secretary of State annual certification
- Two (2) FBI Fingerprint Cards (non-California residents) or Live Scan Service Form (California residents)
Note: The Bureau of Gambling Control will request a Supplemental Background Investigation Information package at a later date for all initial applicants.
Renewal Applicants
If you are renewing your Finding of Suitability you must submit the information indicated above, with the exception of the Fingerprint Cards/Live Scan Service Form, to the Bureau of Gambling Control of the California Department of Justice 120-days prior to your expiration date.
Financial Source Providers
For information regarding financial source suitability requirements for bondholders, please refer to the Uniform Tribal Gaming Regulations CGCC-1 and CGCC-2.
Any bondholder that is required to be found suitable must register with the Commission by submitting an Application for Registration as a Financial Source (CGCC-2, New 04/02).